Gambling Addiction In Kenya

 At a cyber I frequent in CBD, I often see grown men who should be doing plenty of things placing bets on games. I thought this was a relatively low sort of activity beyond a certain age but noo. At restaurants in pubs workplaces, people are busy or they look busy while they are placing odds. 

It’s a pass time activity that has swallowed many. While my points above may come out as very heavily leaning towards hating the activity I do not consider it in that sort of way. Most of the people engaging in this may know somehow they cannot beat the system or the factors are beyond their control, but still cannot leave. 

Then again when people engage in something, be it good or bad, they find many supporting words to reinforce it, then they also gravitate towards those doing the same thing. When I used to place bets, I knew very random people out of the shared misery and winning happiness that I got from the bets. I made new friends everywhere.

Somehow they could share in my thrills and excitement without judging me. And boy was I good at betting.

Me being me went on to document my bets, both wins, and failures and did my very best to analyze why I lost or won and in which leagues I did win. These things are not as hard as people think. As good as I was, I had my fair share of bad days and then my understanding of addiction led me to shut the curtains on that side of things. It no longer elicits excitement as It did. the money I hold in my hands comforts me, whenever I see my wallet with some notes I know, I'm sure it's going to be a good day. Things are going well. I even find it very enjoyable to watch football and support my team without pressure.

For those who may get the feeling that I've conquered the habit, yes I did, and it's because I don’t get into things without some aspect of control. I did it probably out of boredom. Or just to prove a point to myself. It's still very exciting.

When you are ready you will leave it but when you are not the habit will kick you and keep you down. I assure you it's not demons, it's simple addiction. Get busy on resourceful things and if you must bet, use kshs. 100 only. Slowly kill out the addiction, I've numerous ideas and advice like this that worked for me in my book. Get it if you can, and if you are not able, message me and we can talk.

How to win football bets >>

Thank you.

August. 2021.


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